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Available Cohort: 9
Six months of voluntary alcohol consumption in male cynomolgus macaques reduces intracortical bone porosity without altering mineralization or mechanical properties
Kuah AH, et al., Bone, April 2024
Cyno 13, Cyno 9

Dose-response effects of alcohol on biochemical markers of bone turnover in non-human primates: Effects of species, sex and age of onset of drinking
Benton ML, et al., Bone Rep, Dec 2021
INIA Cyno 2, INIA Cyno 3, INIA Cyno 8, INIA Rhesus 1, INIA Rhesus 2, INIA Rhesus 4, INIA Vervet 1, INIA Vervet 2, INIA Rhesus 6a, INIA Rhesus 6b, INIA Rhesus 7a, INIA Rhesus 7b, Cyno 13, Cyno 9, INIA Rhesus 5, INIA Rhesus 10

Chronic Voluntary Ethanol Drinking in Cynomolgus Macaques Elicits Gene Expression Changes in Prefrontal Cortical Area 46.
Walter NAR, et al., Alcohol Clin Exp Res, Jan 2020
Cyno 13, Cyno 9

Chronic ethanol self-administration in macaques shifts dopamine feedback inhibition to predominantly D2 receptors in nucleus accumbens core.
Siciliano CA, et al., Drug Alcohol Dependence, Volume: 158 Jan 2016
Cyno 9

Voluntary Ethanol Intake Predicts -Opioid Receptor Supersensitivity and Regionally Distinct Dopaminergic Adaptations in Macaques
Cody A. Siciliano, et al., The Journal of Neuroscience, Volume: 35 Issue: 15 April 2015
Cyno 9

Monkey Alcohol Tissue Research Resource: Banking Tissues for Alcohol Research
James B. Daunais, et al., ALCOHOLISM: CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTALRESEARCH, Issue: DOI:10.1111/acer.124 June 2014
INIA Cyno 1, INIA Cyno 2, INIA Cyno 3, INIA Rhesus 4, INIA Rhesus 5, INIA Rhesus 6a, INIA Rhesus 6b, INIA Rhesus 7b, INIA Rhesus 7a, INIA Cyno 8, INIA Rhesus 1, INIA Rhesus 2, INIA Vervet 1, INIA Vervet 2, Assay Development, INIA Nicotine Cyno 11, Cyno 9, INIA Rhesus 10